The Difference Between ”Eventualmente” and ”Eventually”
If there is one thing that we, translators, suffer from, as I suppose happens to every expert in a specific area who struggles to let go of their critical eye, it’s the moment that they watch a movie with poor quality subtitles. After a long day of work, we lay on the...
Why You Should Avoid Literal Translations: An Analysis Through a Case Study
When it comes to submitting a film to festivals, the submission deadlines often work against the team, eading to the mistake of sacrificing crucial aspects just to make it in time. The most common mistake is to translate the film hastily just to submit the subtitles...
3 Key Features of the SRT Format for Festival Distribution
The SRT file (or SubRip file) is the most popular and sought-after subtitle file format in the audiovisual world. Here are 3 key features to bear in mind for proper use and understanding of its basic functioning, aimed atfestival distribution: 1. An SRT File Is Plain...
8 Films that Best Represent the OT 2023 Contestants
On the multi-coloured stage of ‘OT 2023’, ceach contestant is more than just a voice: they are stories, emotions and an eclectic mix of personalities that we can laugh with and relate to beyond the music that they’re playing. At audiovisual translation...