Transcription of audio to text
Through the transcription service, we transfer a message from oral to wrriten form. If you want to capture in text the content of a recording in audio format, we can help you!
There are audio files of certain meetings, podcasts, interviews, conferences, etc. whose recordings are required in text format. Submitting your audio files to a right professional transcriber, will ensure you the results that make the difference.
Transcription is not a labour that can be automated, this work must be manually performed by professionals.
We transcribe your audios to text

In PONLE SUBTÍTULOS we take into account the number of people speaking in the audio (cross talking), the audio clarity (in case of interferences or background noise), the cadence of the interlocutor or interlocutors involved in the audio (accent, intonation, slurred speech or intonation problems) and, also, the interlocutors’ speech tempo. Without forgetting the correct use of gramar, spelling and style. All these factors will show your audience that you care for your work. For instance, if you decide to hire the the transcription of podcasts servicehoping that the written text really reflects the program’s quality, you can get it if you rely solely on qualified professionals.
Once the work is finished, after its quality control, we export your transcription in the requested format: DOCX, TXT, XML, PDF, and more. Remember that you can complement this service with subtitling.
Languages we work with
We spread your work without language barriers. These are the languages we usually translate. Check those you are more interested in.








